Langrall Folb

Director, USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center’s Hollywood, Health & Society Program

Kate Langrall Folb is director of Hollywood, Health & Society (HH&S), the flagship program of the University of Southern California Annenberg School Norman Lear Center, and a veteran of more than 20 years in the entertainment education field. At HH&S, she leads a team of public health and media professionals to connect entertainment content creators with experts in health, medicine, science, safety, and security to ensure accuracy in their depictions; her team also conducts research on the impact of TV storylines on viewers’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Previously, Kate served as director of special projects at the Scott Newman Foundation, where she worked with top TV shows and films on portrayals of alcohol and other substance abuse and produced the foundation’s annual public service announcements (PSAs). She was also director of The Media Project, a partnership of Advocates for Youth and the Kaiser Family Foundation, working with entertainment on storylines about HIV/AIDs and other reproductive health topics, and led Nightingale Entertainment, an independent consulting firm producing PSAs and coordinating national media events for a variety of health-related causes. Kate speaks fluent Spanish, holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Denver, and a master’s in education from UCLA.

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